Robert Bracco & Associates
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Give Us a Call 614-442-1953
Robert Bracco & Associates                                                                                            1170 Old Henderson Road, Suite 109
614-442-1953                                                                                                                Columbus, Ohio 43220 
614-538-1806 (fax)                                                                                              


Corporate and Business Representation

Our office has over 33 years of experience in business formation and representation regarding compliance and litigation issues. 

Areas of Practice

-Business formation including operating agreements and buy-sell agreements

- All transaction issues from complex contracts to non-compete and non-disclosure agreements, mergers, cross-border agreements, due diligence and Board related matters

-Representation as outside counsel on all litigation related matters in state and federal courts and administrative hearings

- Compliance and regulatory issues as well as compliance program development plans

- Campaign finance and PAC compliance programs and representation before government and legislative bodies.